Plants you need in your backyard

Mosquitos have always been an annoying species to deal with since the beginning of time. They have been around since the dinosaurs and like any creature they have their strengths and weaknesses. Some plants act as a repellent due to the pesky creatures’ dislikes. Here are some of those plants you can try planting in your backyard to limit the amount of mosquitos present. 

Before you Plant 

These plants are all beautiful, fragrant, and help get rid of some mosquitos. Yet none of these methods will fully rid them of mosquitos. Also it is important to note if you do have pets that some of the plants may be poisonous to them. Your climate also does play a part in determining their effectiveness. So take all of these points into consideration when planting these in your backyard.  

repel mosquitosLavender 

This plant is very fragrant, a lot of humans tend to like the scent but for pests it may be too strong. Due to its high linalool content this plant acts as a great repellent mostly in the essential oil form but planting them can also help. 

Lemon Balm 

Lemon Balm has high levels of citronella in it, which as most people have found mosquitos find it extremely unpleasant. You can always buy citronella candles and bracelets but this is a natural form of it. 


This becomes a great repellent once set a blaze so light some up on the barbecue and watch the number of mosquitos fall. Set this in various areas in your garden and you are all set especially in warmer climates, such as Florida. 


This plant has a very distinct smell that deters mosquitos and other bugs. Whether you plant these in the ground or in a container they still have lasting effects. 


This is also referred to as the mosquito plant because it is where citronella comes from. This plant has a citrus like scent and comes in numerous different varieties. It is best to check with your local nursery which species is most effective for your area. 

The Best Way to Ensure your Backyard is Mosquito Free

Although these methods deter mosquitos they will surely not completely get rid of them. The best way to get rid of mosquitos in your backyard is with a SWAT mosquito misting system. Our team of experts help you every step of the way and ensure that your backyard is mosquito free! So if that’s what you are looking for, call SWAT today! 

Summer quickly turned into fall, but the learning landscape still differs depending on your location in 2021. It is becoming more common for areas of education to return to the classroom full-time, others to remain virtual, while others use hybrid learning to provide the best of both worlds. By integrating nature into the curriculum, some educators are discovering that they can breathe new life into learning.

In addition to peaking your students’ interest, teaching in nature also brings the opportunity to end the day covered in bug bites. Here are some ways to combat bug bites when teaching outside.

Make a Plan

You should plan your lessons according to Mother Nature’s calendar. Mosquitoes are often attracted to areas where it is raining heavily or high humidity. Early in the morning and late in the afternoon have been observed to be the busiest times for biting flies. A tall grassy area with a lot of thick vegetation is more likely to have ticks.

Keeping students focused on the lesson rather than pesky insects may be easier with an understanding of the types of environments that nuisance insects prefer.

mosquito protectionGet ready for the day

You should let parents know that you intend to spend some time outdoors and suggest they prepare their child with a repellant registered with the EPA. Furthermore, parents can dress their children in insect-repellent clothing in addition to repellant. Any products that contain DEET are the most effective in combating mosquito bites.

Those who prefer more natural repellents may wish to wear essential oils. Mosquitoes do not like the scent of lavender, peppermint, or eucalyptus, which is attractive to humans but not mosquitoes.

Adapt to Your Environment

By protecting yourself from the elements, you will be able to focus on learning. Choose a location that is shaded – whether it’s by trees or by the shadow of your school. You should also consider taking measures to prevent your outdoor classroom from becoming a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

However, you can keep it simple in your outdoor classroom:

  • Ensure that your outdoor spaces don’t have standing water.
  • Grass clippings, leaves, firewood, and grass cuttings should be removed from your lawn.
  • Make sure to turn over items with the potential to hold water, like portable sandboxes, plastic toys, or birdbaths.

In the event that your students thrive in an outdoor setting and you want to continue to provide them with this alternative educational experience, contact SWAT Mosquito Systems®️ and talk about the possibility of having our system at your facility.