One of the best things about living in South Florida is the ability to spend time outdoors all year round. Spending time outdoors, however, is dependent on two things: the Florida weather and pesky mosquitos, no-see-ums, and other biting insects. While you can’t control the weather, there are steps you can take to keep biting insects at bay, including owning certain mosquito repellent plants. What plants repel mosquitoes? Here are some of the best to have for your South Florida yard.


Few plants are as associated with mosquito repelling as citronella grass. The distinct smell of citronella is an effective mosquito-deterrent – so much so that the scent commonly features in repellant candles. Citronella is a straightforward mosquito repellent plant to both grow and maintain and does especially well in warm climates – such as South Florida.


These easy-to-grow plants are an excellent way to keep mosquitos at bay. Marigolds emit a pungent odor that deters not only mosquitos but also various other beetles and bugs, including Mexican bean beetles, squash bugs, aphids, hornworms, and whiteflies. Marigolds look great and make the perfect addition to pots or as a border around yards, patios, and porches.

best plants for your front yardHerbs

These pretty-smelling plants are an excellent choice for far more than merely lawn decoration. Many of the herbs that you find in the kitchen are also noted to be effective natural repellents. The reason for their effectiveness is their aroma deters mosquitos – driving them away and keeping your yard safe.




Keeping lavender as a houseplant or in your garden will naturally deter mosquitoes, moths, flies, and even fleas. Some other strong-smelling plants that repel mosquitoes in Florida, such as basil, thyme, and garlic are great options as well, though the scent of lavender will keep pesky slugs, snails, and cabbage moths from destroying your garden or backyard.


Also known as catmint, this species of plant thrives in nearly every climate on the planet. Catnip, a member of the mint family, is easy to maintain and offers impressive mosquito-repelling abilities. According to research by Iowa State University, catnip is ten times as effective as DEET. Now all you have to worry about is deterring those neighborhood cats!


These flowers provide vibrant bursts of color in flower beds, so it can be hard to imagine that such pretty florals could also be such effective bug killers. The key ingredient that acts as a natural pesticide is pyrethrum, which works wonders against many common garden pests such as:

  • Japanese beetles
  • Root-knot nematodes
  • Spider mites
  • Harlequin bugs
  • Ants
  • Roaches
  • Ticks
  • Lice
  • Fleas
  • Bedbugs
  • Silverfish

best florida hedge plants for your yardCall SWAT Mosquito Systems®️ Today

Chrysanthemums aren’t just for colorful gardens. At SWAT Mosquito Systems®️, we utilize a biodegradable Chrysanthemum-based spray for our mosquito repellent systems. We are dedicated to providing comprehensively effective-yet-safe mosquito repellant systems for your home or business.

With our unique, one-of-a-kind mosquito misting system, we have helped eliminate mosquitoes, no-see-ums, flies, and other biting insects that have plagued South Florida residents for years. Call SWAT Mosquito Systems®️ today, at 1-866-900-SWAT and say goodbye to unwanted pests.

Ahhhh – the springtime. Of course, some people say that South Florida doesn’t have any seasons, but we know that’s not true. When spring comes, you know it. Now that it’s here, it’s time to plan some fantastic backyard, springtime activities without worrying about uninvited guests – mosquitos, no-see-ums, and other flying insects. Here are some great outdoor ideas that involve tapping into your creative genes, exploring your wild side, and just having some fun.

Outdoor Activities for Everyone

backyard activitiesBackyard Fun for the Whole Family

 Both kids and adults enjoy a good scavenger hunt. There are all kinds of ways you can also find treasures outside.

Feeling extra adventurous? Indoor rock climbing is all the rage. Imagine the fun your kids will have with their own portable, smaller version for the backyard.

No campground site nearby? No problem. Pitch a tent right in your back yard. Share scary stories and spend the night with the stars glistening over your tent.

Let’s Eat!

Everyone enjoys a good outdoor dinner party or backyard cookout. The next time you throw an outdoor party, try out some unique BBQ ideas and impress the crowd!

Backyard barbeque aside, have you ever had a picnic in your backyard? All you’ll need to do is to prepare sandwiches, along with your favorite snacks and drinks. The kids can have fun creating their own unique sandwiches. But picnics aren’t just for the kids; you can also plan a romantic picnic for two.

backyard activities in springPlant and Build Together

Spring is the time to plant your favorite greenery. Imagine the enjoyment your kids will get out of planting vegetables, watching them grow, and then seeing them as part of the family meals. Don’t forget to include some mosquito-repelling plants and flowers, as part of your plans.

Bird watching, anyone? Instead of buying a pre-made birdhouse, make your own from scratch. It’s a great DIY project for the whole family. There are all sorts of ways to build a kid-friendly birdhouse using various materials.

We Can Keep Your Backyard Mosquito Free

You can enjoy all of your favorite backyard activities without having to worry about flying bugs buzzing around and interrupting your good vibes – thanks to a custom-designed, mosquito control misting system. SWAT Mosquito Systems®️’ state-of-the-art no-see-um and mosquito misting system is fully automated, spraying only 2 to 3 times a day for 30 to 50 seconds each. You set the timer to accommodate your schedule.

Call SWAT Mosquito Systems®️ today, at 1-866-900-SWAT and find out how our licensed technicians can help you enjoy amazing backyard activities, in the spring, and all year long.


You may have noticed that our favorite flying and biting insects are already back. Not that mosquitoes ever totally disappear, but the official mosquito season is now underway in South Florida. Spring is in the air, and so are more mosquitoes. And mosquitoes’ smaller partner-in-crime, no-see-ums, are also making waves. Some people are under the misguided impression that living by the beach protects them from these biting insects. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Are there mosquitoes at the beach? Of course, they are. And you know how much mosquitoes love water, which is where mosquitoes love to breed.

beach mosquitoesMosquitoes & No-See-Ums Enjoy Hanging Out at the Beach

Living near or at the beach sounds ideal. Who wouldn’t want to live a stone’s throw away from sand, sun, and ocean?  So beautiful and relaxing. Plus, you get that breeze off the ocean, which some people believe keeps mosquito activity at bay. It does not.  You can get mosquito bites at the beach, too. That’s because mosquitoes tend to gather wherever there’s water. Any body of water will do.

Of course, there are things you can do to help keep them from coming into your home and breeding around your property:

  • Close any open doors or windows before dusk.
  • Repair torn screens.
  • Reduce the number of breeding sites on your property: birdbaths, clogged gutters, plastic wading/kiddie pools, pots/saucers, toys, dishes/pet water bowls, fountains, buckets, and bromeliad plants that store water in their leaves or rosettes.
  • Keep your grass, shrubbery, bushes, and foliage trimmed, to keep down mosquito activity.

Another smart thing you can do to keep mosquitoes and no-see-ums off your property is to use the best mosquito misting system – SWAT Mosquito Systems®️. We use environmentally-friendly pyrethrum, a botanical insecticide, in our systems, along with Zero-Bite, a botanical insect repellent. We also offer a rosemary oil-based product with EcoSmart Botanicals™, which is certified by the USDA National Organic Program (NOP). EcoSmart products have no adverse effect on children, pets, wildlife, or the environment and also will not contaminate water sources.

mosquitoes on the beachWe Can Help You Get Rid of mosquitoes and No-See-Ums Near the Beach

Keep mosquitoes and no-see-ums out of your yard with our mosquito misting systems, which work around the clock. Our engineers custom design every single system we deliver, and we stand behind our products 100 percent. Call SWAT Mosquito Systems®️ at 1-866-900-SWAT and find out how our professional, licensed technicians can help you get rid of annoying biting insects.

Whether you live at the beach, near the beach, or anywhere else, we can safely do away with biting flies and mosquitoes on and around your property, so you can start enjoying it in peace again.


Living in Florida is great, especially for kids. With seemingly endless summers, they never have to worry about being stuck indoors. Unfortunately, Florida living means dealing with the ever-present problem of mosquitos and other biting insects. Here are some of the best ways to protect toddlers from biting insects.

bug bites and swelling in toddlersMinimizing Children’s Exposure

If you are looking to protect your toddler from bug bites, the first step is understanding when the bugs are out biting. Mosquitos are most active at dawn and dusk, so keeping your children indoors during these periods is a great way to begin to limit their exposure to biting insects.

You can also dress your toddlers in lighter-colored clothing, as these colors are less likely to attract insects. In addition, you can tuck their pants into their socks, make sure they are wearing long-sleeved shirts, and have them wear closed-toed shoes. Also, try to keep them away from swampy areas, or areas with standing water, as these are hotbeds for mosquitos.

Deet and Insecticides

There are a wide variety of natural mosquito and biting insect repellants on the market today. Citronella is one of the most popular of these, but they can be ineffective. This is because they often wear off quickly, or in the case of candles, their reach simply isn’t great enough.

The most effective sprays for controlling biting insects are that have the active ingredient called Deet. Deet is the most commonly added chemical found in many bug sprays. It’s an effective way to keep mosquitos, no-see-ums, and other biting insects off of those who are sprayed with the chemical. While Deet is generally harmless, there are nonetheless incidents when side effects from its use are reported. These side-effects, while relatively minor in nature, still make the use of Deet controversial, especially around toddlers.

Prevention is the Best Protection

Because of the issues with common chemical insecticides prevention is the best way to keep your toddlers safe from mosquitos and biting insects. And while minimizing their potential exposure sounds great, in places like South Florida that really isn’t practical, especially when it comes to the outdoors. We practically spend our lives outdoors down here, and with that comes the exposure to biting insects.

Fortunately, there are misting systems which can be installed to make outdoor spaces as safe as possible for your little ones. There are several mosquito misting systems on the market today. These systems help control pests in your outdoor spaces by spraying a mist which deters mosquitos, no-see-ums and biting insects. However, many of these and cookie-cutter systems, using inferior parts and are not tailored to the specific needs of each property. Worse, many of these companies don’t actually specialize in mosquito control, so they offer little regarding practical assistance or support.

SWAT Mosquito Systems®️

toddler bug bite swollen and hardAt SWAT Mosquito Systems®️, we specialize in making and installing mosquito misting systems – it’s all we do. This means that we provide the best service and the best support.

Our SWAT Mosquito Systems®️ kills mosquitoes and no-see-ums without harming the environment. We make it hard for mosquitoes and no-see-ums, but easy for you. You can turn the system off completely using the remote control or at the control panel. We’re the largest and most respected mosquito control company in Florida.

Don’t let mosquitoes invade your little slice of paradise. If you want to stop worrying about mosquitoes and other biting insects, and start enjoying your own backyard and patio, you can get your very own mosquito misting system set up right away. Call SWAT Mosquito Systems®️ at 1-866-900-SWAT and find out how our licensed technicians can help you today.