Did you know that over 80 species of mosquitoes make Florida their home? No other state comes close to having such mosquito diversity. As we all know, mosquitoes cause many diseases and should be dealt with as effectively as possible to prevent the spread of these diseases to humans and other animals.


Several Cities in Florida Made the Top 50 of Mosquito Infected Cities

florida mosquitoesMosquitoes are an all-too-familiar pest for Floridians. A recent news article from the Miami Herald touches on some of the major cities in Florida that are prone to mosquitoes. One recent list of worst mosquito cities, Miami went down six spots from last year, making it number 14. The fact that Miami came down a few spots is good news, but for Miamians, they don’t have much to celebrate about, at least not yet. It seems people in Miami are wising up to the best mosquito misting systems and doing their part in mosquito removal.  Unfortunately, several other cities like Orlando, West Palm Beach, and Jacksonville also made the top 50. Plus, on a separate list courtesy of CBS Miami, Miami came in number 10, with other Florida cities (Orlando, Tampa, West Palm, and Jacksonville) all placing in the top 50. 

Time to Act

It’s no surprise that Florida cities make the list of cities most infested with mosquitoes. Thanks to the humid temperature and frequent rain, Florida’s mosquito season is year-round for a large variety of mosquitos. Knowing that Florida has more species of mosquitoes than any other state, and seeing that five of our cities make the top 50 of mosquito-infected cities makes it obvious that living in Florida, it is essential to have an effective mosquito misting system.

The World Health Organization has named the mosquito “one of the deadliest animals in the world” because of its ability to carry and spread diseases to humans. In order to avoid the host of diseases that mosquitoes are known to infect humans with, you should have a solid and effective mosquito removal and mosquito prevention strategy.


mosquito misting system FloridaCombat Mosquitos with the Best

There are many different methods to get rid of mosquitos. Some do-it-yourself methods call for herbs and oils, some for garlic and clove crushed and dispersed in the affected area, and the list goes on. No matter the do-it-yourself mosquito removal strategy, they all have one thing in common: the results are not as effective as people would like.  The only tried and true method of both prevention and removal of mosquitoes available to the public is a professional mosquito misting system, a truly effective tool against mosquitoes.



Trust Your Safety to the Best

SWAT Mosquito Systems®️ is, simply put, the best option for a professional mosquito misting system. At SWAT, we use the best application methods to remove mosquitoes en masse, as applied by our highly trained technicians. Our friendly support team is standing by to provide you with a mosquito misting system that will get rid of mosquitoes once and for all. Are you ready to regain peace of mind and enjoy the great outdoors without repellant or bug bites? If so, give us a call at 1-866-900-SWAT (7928) or complete our online contact form for a free estimate.



A mosquito will go through four stages during its life. While most of us think of the mosquito as a flying insect, the fact is that during three of the four stages, the mosquito is aquatic. So why is it important to understand the life cycle of a mosquito? Beyond extending your knowledge of insect biology, understanding how to identify areas, where mosquitos breed and infest, will help with your mosquito prevention efforts. 

The Egg Stage

mosquito life cycleDepending on the type of mosquito, eggs will be laid one-by-one usually in a single file or in bunches making small boats or rafts.  Most mosquitoes lay their eggs on the surface of the water, but others will do so on the shore where the water will later cover them. Usually an egg with hatch within forty-eight hours of being laid; this, however, may change if the climate is not warm enough.

The Second Stage of a Mosquito Life Cycle is the Larva

Larva likes to live in water. They do, however, require coming to the surface in order to breathe but will often return under the surface. The larva will go through four stages of growth, each time shedding its skin for a bigger one to grow into. They eat whatever organic mass they find in the water including microorganisms.  Once the larva sheds its final skin it will transition into the next stage.

The Larva Becomes a Pupa

During the third stage, they do not require sustenance. They are basically hibernating, except they do move if they perceive any danger. Just like a caterpillar will metamorphose into a butterfly, the pupa will develop into an adult or what we commonly refer to as a mosquito.

Finally, the Last Stage, Adult Mosquito

This is the stage that we are all familiar with, the flying pest that goes around trying to suck the blood out of the unsuspecting human. Truth be told, it is only the female of the species that require blood; still, everyone knows what an adult mosquito looks like and it does take a couple of days for an adult to be able to fly and attack people. Different mosquitos will have different lifespans, while some can live as little as four days there are species that will live a whole month before their cycle ends.

life cycle of a mosquitoGet Them at Every Stage

If you can get rid of them before they can fly, you’re better equipped for preventing mosquitoes from mating, disrupting the cycle and making life that much better. While it would be nearly impossible for most people to go around the yard several times a day looking for a spot where a mosquito might try to lay eggs, or where they may live during the larva and pupa stage to try and combat them before they fly, this is exactly what a mosquito misting system can do.

Call SWAT Mosquito Systems®️ Today

For the most effective mosquito prevention strategy, call SWAT Mosquito Systems®️ today. We will gladly design the best mosquito misting system to ensure your safety from mosquitoes. Complete our online contact form or call us at 1-866-900-SWAT (7928) for a free estimate.




Living in Florida, where it’s always mosquito season, we’ve all taken measures to prevent mosquitoes from becoming a nuisance in our homes. Whether it’s do-it-yourself mosquito traps, homemade mosquito repellant, natural plants, or candles, foggers, and sprays, many of the methods we use just aren’t super effective all the time or require a lot of manual effort. So, when is it time to invest in a long-term solution such as a home mosquito misting system? Here are three signs that you should consider a professional mosquito prevention method. 

When the News Announces Yet Another Mosquito Disease

best mosquito misting systemWhenever you hear the news talk about a new deadly disease that could affect your area and that is carried by mosquitoes, you know it is a sure sign you need a mosquito misting system installed to protect your family.

In the last decade, we have been constantly bombarded by news articles about how Zika can destroy lives and even affect unborn children; we have heard of encephalitis with dozens of different names. Diseases that were once obscure and had rarely been heard in Florida have become commonplace such as Dengue or Chikungunya, not to mention Nile Fever, yellow fever, and just about every other type of fever you can think of. And what do all these scary diseases have in common? You guessed it; mosquitos can infect you with every single one of them.

When You are Tired of Getting Bitten

If you are tired of getting bitten every time you go out of the house and into the yard, you have a clear sign that it is time to act. Even if diseases were not on the top of your list of reasons to get a carefree mosquito misting system, the level of annoyance mosquitoes cause would be enough. Nothing like getting bitten in the middle of the night to ruin your chance of getting a good night’s sleep.

When June Gets Here

In Florida we have an incredible amount of water; most of South Florida is basically a repurposed swamp and mosquitoes love all that water. To make matters worse, we have a rainy season that lasts from June through September, bringing with it several inches of rain every month. It does not take long for mosquitoes to make use of that water and multiply exponentially. The beginning of the rainy season in Florida is one of the best indicators that it is indeed time to invest in a home mosquito misting system.

home mosquito misting systemWhen a Heatwave is on its Way

If there is something mosquitoes love, it is the heat. Even though you find mosquitoes in colder climates, only in the tropics do they thrive. Whenever there is a heatwave you know to expect more mosquitoes, and when it comes to Florida you can usually expect water to come with that heat, making the ideal situation for mosquitos to breed and proliferate.



What to Do When You Know

When you start to see the signs and realize you need a home mosquito misting system, make sure to contact SWAT Mosquito Systems®️. Our system is the best there is; our mist consists of a variety of products, including pyrethrum (a chrysanthemum based and biodegradable product), permethrin, natural oils, as well as some non-toxic options. The systems are landscape-friendly and can typically be hidden in the foliage. Give us a call at 1-866-900-SWAT (7928) and let us design the best mosquito misting system for you.





Any backyard mosquito misting system worth its salt will have top-notch components for their hardware, especially in the following two structural components: the controller and the distribution system.  

The Controller

Think of the controller as the brain directing the entire operation. The controller will be responsible for activating the system based on the user’s instructions. You can have the controller put on a schedule where every x amount of hours it will deploy or you can control it remotely.  Like with most things, you have choices: cheap components are plentiful online, yet the best mosquito misting system uses a controller that is to-notch, offering more flexibility and efficiency. 

Three Components of an Effective Mosquito Misting SystemThe Distribution System

The foundation of a mosquito misting system is the network of nozzles that deliver the mist. These are installed around the property to provide optimal coverage for delivery of the insect repellent. The distribution system consists of the tubing circuit, the risers, the copper tubes, and most importantly the nozzles and nozzle tips. You will want to avoid the cheaper alternatives, where tubing that deteriorates and leaks pesticide can be a problem. Your nozzle tips should be precision engineered in order to distribute the mist evenly and in the desired range, otherwise the coverage will be poor leaving pockets where mosquitos can breed and multiply. Once again, the best mosquito misting system will use a high-quality distribution system to provide the most effective mosquito removal. 

Other Components to Consider: The Software, Agitator & the Repellent

Most companies do not offer this. Leading firms with effective mosquito removal solutions have leveraged technology to develop their own applications to give users total control of their mosquito misting systems from anywhere. For example, SWAT Mosquito Systems®️ install an app in your phone so that you can deploy your system anytime from anywhere in the world.  The app will inform you of the pesticide levels making sure you never run out. 

The SWAT mosquito system also incorporates an agitator, which insures the insecticide stays well blended for a consistent, even spray every time. This is important because many chemicals have emulsifiers designed to keep products in suspension or separate over time. Also worthy of mentioning is the actual repellent itself. While having an effective mosquito misting system is great, it needs to be filled with the right product for effective mosquito removal. The best mosquito misting system providers utilize a variety of insect repellent, offering botanical, biodegradable, pyrethrum, permethrin, and non-hazardous solutions. 

effective mosquito removalThe Most Important Component

The most important factor in any system is the human component, that’s why the staff at SWAT Mosquito Systems®️ consists of highly trained technicians, friendly and knowledgeable, ready to help you design the perfect mosquito misting solution for your property. If you are ready to have a professional mosquito removal system installed and finally be rid of these flying pests, give us a call at 1-866-900-SWAT (7928), and we will gladly give you a free estimate on your personalized mosquito misting system.