types of mosquito borne diseases

In case you hadn’t noticed, it’s the start of mosquito season. This is a reminder that their bites can be dangerous and transmit diseases. Yes, mosquito bites can make you sick. Mosquito-borne diseases are prevalent around the globe, but here in Florida, the most common mosquito-borne diseases that can be transmitted to humans are West Nile Virus disease, Zika Virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, and St. Louis Encephalitis. People over the age of 50 are most at risk for diseases. You need to go after the source – the mosquito. The best way to get rid of mosquitos and other biting insects that spread disease is with a customized mosquito misting system.

West Nile Virus

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in its findings for 2018, Florida is one of 49 states and the District of Columbia that reported West Nile infections in people, birds or mosquitos last year. Most people don’t develop any symptoms, while others will experience headache, body aches, joint pains, vomiting, diarrhea, or rash, or severe symptoms that affect the central nervous system. There are no vaccines or special antiviral treatments available.

Types of Diseases

Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE)

Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) is a rare mosquito-borne illness that occurs mostly in eastern or Gulf Coast states. Florida has reported an increase in the number of EEE cases. Mosquitos can also transmit the disease to horses and humans. Some symptoms include high fever, severe headaches, stiff neck, and sore throat. The illness, which causes swelling of the brain, kills 30 percent of its victims. Survivors typically suffer from ongoing neurological problems.

Zika Virus

The Zika virus arrived in the United States in 2016. Symptoms, which appear in only 1 in 5 cases, include fever, rash, muscle pain, and redness in the whites of your eyes. It has been linked to serious birth defects. There is no vaccine to prevent Zika, nor can it be treated with medicine. There is no cure.

St. Louis Encephalitis (SLE)

St. Louis Encephalitis (SLE) was first recognized in Illinois in 1932, but quickly became an epidemic in St. Louis and Kansas City, Missouri one year later. Symptoms usually don’t appear until about 5 to 15 days after an infected mosquito has bitten you. Those symptoms can include fever with headache and meningitis. Besides treating the symptoms, as of now, there is no official treatment for SLE.

Take Preventive Steps

types of diseases mosquitoes carryThere are preventive steps you can personally take to protect yourself and your family from getting diseases borne by mosquitos. We all know it gets really hot in South Florida, but when outside, consider wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants. The same goes for your children, cover strollers and baby carriers with mosquito netting. To keep mosquitos out of your home, repair any torn screens on doors, windows, or the lanai. Get rid of any standing water on your property which is a prime breeding ground for mosquitos. They can easily lay eggs in buckets, flower pots, kiddie pools, toys, trash containers – anything that holds water. They don’t need a lot of water to breed.

SWAT’s Mosquito Misting System Will Get Rid of Mosquitos

Perhaps the best move you can make for the ultimate protection against mosquitos is to get our unique, customized mosquito misting system installed on your property. For our mist, we use a variety of powerful botanical products, including pyrethrum, a biodegradable repellent derived from the chrysanthemum flower, along with rosemary, which repels insects. Our system will get rid of mosquitos, no-see-ums, and other biting insects that may spread disease. Call the best – SWAT Mosquito Systems®️ at (866) 900-7928 and learn how you can protect your family and enjoy your outdoor space.


small patio design ideas

Fortunately, living in South Florida affords you the opportunity to enjoy your patio and backyard throughout the year. But with spring around the corner and summer not too far away, you might be thinking of more outdoor dinner parties, backyard barbeques, and other social events. It might be time for you to upgrade your outdoor décor, making your patio area both beautiful and functional. Here are some patio ideas to enhance your space while keeping mosquitos and no-see-ums at bay.

Create a Unique Landscaping Design

The perfect landscaping around the patio and backyard can be breathtaking. Beautifully shaped bushes and shrubbery can give new life to any patio. Don’t forget to make natural bug-repellant plants – such as rosemary – part of your landscaping plans. But the best way to get rid of mosquitos and no-see-ums is with a mosquito misting system.

Upgrade Your Patio Furniture

When is the last time you bought new furniture for your patio? There are so many more seating options available. Plus, newer furniture will likely be more weather-resistant than what you currently have. Happy shopping!

Build an Outdoor Kitchen

patio designs and ideasImagine having an outdoor kitchen complete with a stove/grill, sink, and a refrigerator. How convenient is that? No more running back and forth into the house which lets bugs in. Everything you need is right there.

While you’re building your outdoor kitchen, why not add a bar? Make it complete with a sleek counter, and decorative high stools.

Upgrade Your Screens

It may be time for you to upgrade the screens on your windows, doors, and on your lanai for added protection against small bugs. Those annoying no-see-ums and gnats can easily fit through most screens. Newer screens with tighter weaves can help.

Cover Your Patio with a Tent

If you’re planning to host a special event, consider renting or buying a tent that would cover your entire patio. Think of it as an extension of your lanai.

Use Functional Décor to Keep Bugs Away

Products such as floating citronella candles and small decorative pots of fresh herbs such as sweet basil can help keep bugs away. But to get rid of insects altogether, consider using a mosquito misting system.

Install a Unique Lighting System

Think about updating the lighting around your landscaping. Innovative, energy-efficient landscape lighting systems can help save you money, and enhance the look of your patio area.

Install a Trellis as a Makeshift Roof

To add flair and ambiance to your patio dining area, consider building a trellis overhead to create an airy “roof”. Add lighting to it and adorn the area with plants and perhaps even a small tree to create an intimate outdoor dining space.

Install the Best Customized Mosquito Misting System

This is our favorite idea because when it comes to targeting mosquitos and no-see-ums, SWAT Mosquito Systems®️ works! The patio is not only a great place to entertain, but to also unwind after a stressful day. Don’t let bugs stress you even more. We can get rid of mosquitos on your property.

Get Your Patio Ready for Spring

Incorporating outdoor design trends into your decorating plans can be fun and can upgrade the value of your home – so can a customized mosquito misting system. Contact us for a free estimate. Contact us at (866) 900-SWAT (7928). Let us help you protect your beautiful outdoor oasis.


This is the time of year when many people start thinking about spring cleaning and how they’re going to de-clutter their home. Spring cleaning is a great way to freshen up your place, but don’t forget about cleaning the outside of your home – your backyard and other outdoor spaces. Mosquito season is not that far away. We want to help you out, in case you’re looking for backyard cleaning ideas to help reduce the risk of mosquito infestations. Here are five spring cleaning hacks for your home, and they do not include using harsh chemicals.

Hack #1: Block Mosquitoes’ Entryway into Your Home

One of the ways that mosquitoes enter the home is through broken windows, door screens, and of course screens on the lanai. This is a simple solution: repair or replace any problematic windows or screens. Problem solved.

backyard spring cleaning hacksHack #2: Declutter Your Backyard

Unfortunately, sometimes the backyard becomes a place to store items that we no longer want, need, or even use.  Despite our efforts to beautify them, our yards can still look messy. It’s time to remove your backyard debris. Look around and throw out any old appliances, pieces of wood, tires, old outdoor furniture, fallen branches, and any other items that are cluttering your backyard space. Many of these items make great hiding places for mosquitos.

Hack #3: Eliminate Standing Water

Mosquitos love standing water which is where they lay their eggs. Even the smallest puddle will invite mosquitos.  Eliminate any standing water on your property, which can be found in many places, including clogged gutters, bird baths, wading/kiddie pools, pots/saucers, toys, dishes/pet water bowls, fountains, and buckets. Mosquitos can’t reproduce without water.


Hack #4: Make Landscaping a Priority

A major part of spring cleaning the outside of your home also should include the landscaping. Mosquitos like to hang out in tall grass, shrubbery, bushes, and foliage. Plan to do a major trimming project, and continue to do that on a regular basis, which will help minimize mosquito activity in your back yard.

five spring cleaning hacksHack #5: Use the Best Mosquito Misting System

We can’t share backyard cleaning tips without mentioning our mosquito misting system as the best way to eliminate mosquitos in your backyard and reduce the risk of mosquito infestations.

SWAT Mosquito Systems®️ use rosemary-based and pyrethrum sprays. Our state-of-the-art no-see-um and mosquito misting system is fully automated. It only sprays 2 to 3 times a day for 30 to 50 seconds each. You set the timer for what works best for your schedule.

Talk to Us About Clearing Your Yard of Mosquitos

We look forward to helping you get rid of mosquitos and no-see-ums in your backyard. Call us at (866) 900-7928 for a free estimate. Let’s make that a part of your spring cleaning goals.


Pesky. Annoying. Nuisance. These are words typically used to describe no-see-ums, those tiny flying insects that bite. And their bites really do sting. Nobody wants to experience no-see-ums bugging them, but it happens a lot, especially in South Florida. It seems there’s no escaping them, especially during no-see-ums peak season in Florida, but there are ways to fight back, and that doesn’t include no-see-um repellants or no-see-um traps (which may not work). Here is how you can repel no-see-ums and make them disappear.

What is a No-See-Um?

No-see-ums, which evolved from a family of biting flies, are also referred to as biting midges, biting gnats, and punkies. These blood-sucking gnats are less than 3 mm long – hence their name. They’re so small that you can barely see them, and unfortunately, their size makes it easy for them to fly through screen doors or windows. Your lanai won’t even give you much protection from no-see-ums. But here’s a tip for spotting them – they travel in swarms, so if you see a “cloud” of itsy-bitsy flying bugs, take precaution.

Do No-See-Ums Spread Diseases Through Their Bites?

No-see-um bites are painful and irritating, and when they bite, they bite you more than once – we’re talking repeatedly. Their bites lead to a burning sensation and are followed by welts on your skin, which can be easily treated with over-the-counter medicines. But can no-see-ums infect you with diseases? Fortunately, unlike some mosquitos, no-see-ums do not carry diseases.

No-See-Ums Are Busy Bodies

When do no-see-ums come out and are most active? No-see-ums love water, and they’re most active at dawn and dusk, although some species are busy during the nighttime. And while no-see-ums’ season is in June and July, they are present year-round. You may have even noticed that they’re pretty active these days. They seem to be everywhere – and they must go away!

What Repels No See Ums?

So – how do you repel no-see-ums? Short answer – the best mosquito misting system – SWAT Mosquito Systems®️.  Studies show that some oils help repel mosquitos and no-see-ums. One of them is pyrethrum, a biodegradable repellent derived from the chrysanthemum flower, which is what we use in our one-of-a-kind custom-designed misting system.  We leverage a variety of other powerful botanical products to repel biting insects. We designed our state-of-the-art misting system and its contents to ensure it doesn’t harm your landscape or family but effectively keeps mosquitos and no-see-ums away.




Let Us Help You Get Rid of No-See-Ums

Keep mosquitoes and no-see-ums out of your yard with our mosquito misting system, which works around the clock to keep these annoying biting insects away and ensure you can enjoy the outdoors without interruption. Call SWAT Mosquito Systems®️ at 1-866-900-7928 and find out how our licensed technicians can help you get rid of your yard of no-see-ums and mosquitos.