Is it Possible to Stop the West Nile Virus Transmitted by Mosquitos?

Those little insects buzzing around your porch or campsite are more than just annoying.  As science and technology have developed, there has been an increase in identification of mosquito diseases. Malaria, dengue, and yellow fever are unfortunately common mosquito transmitted diseases in parts of the developing world. While we don’t have to worry about these specific mosquito borne diseases in United States, we have recently become vulnerable to one of the most common mosquito bite diseases.  West Nile virus, one of many worldwide mosquito-borne illnesses, was first identified in the United States in 1999.  These West Nile mosquitos have made their presence known every summer since and has showed up in all 48 of the contiguous states.  What can you do to prevent West Nile and other mosquito bite diseases?  Keep reading for some information that will turn you into an expert on mosquito transmitted diseases.

Is West Nile Virus different from other mosquito borne diseases?

All mosquito diseases are different, but they do share some things in common.  Like all mosquito-borne illnesses, the virus is transmitted to humans through the bite of a mosquito.  West Nile mosquitos, however, first procure the disease after feeding on an infected bird.  Once a human is infected with West Nile virus, the disease can cause a very high fever, and inflammation of the brain and/or inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord.  Thankfully between 70 – 80% of people that get West Nile virus do not develop any symptoms.

Who is most at risk for West Nile virus and other mosquito transmitted diseases?

As mentioned, the vast majority of people who are infected with the virus do not show any symptoms.  About twenty percent of those infected will develop less-severe symptoms such as a fever, body aches, vomiting, and diarrhea.  While lingering weakness will last for weeks, patients will almost always completely recover with this level of West Nile. The most severe symptoms brought on by West Nile mosquitoes affect less than one percent of those infected but lead to serious neurological issues.  It will take from many weeks to months to recover from severe West Nile virus and, even so, there may be permanent effects.  The most severe stages will lead to death in approximately ten percent of those infected.  While everyone can contract mosquito bite diseases, those over the age of sixty are more likely to experience the severe symptoms.  Preexisting medical conditions and ailments will also put someone at greater risk.

How can I prevent catching mosquito-borne illnesses?

While there is no current vaccination for West Nile virus, there are certain precautions you can take to prevent this infection and other mosquito borne diseases.  Naturally, the best way to do so is to prevent mosquitoes from biting you. Wearing insect repellent is one of the most popular defenses, but covering all of your skin during the dusk and dawn hours is equally as effective.  Making sure all of the screens on your house are secure will prevent insects from getting indoors, and getting rid of any standing water from around your home will reduce mosquito breeding and hatching grounds.  Our technology at SWAT Mosquito Systems®️ has also proven time and again to be highly effective in eliminating these pesky insects from your house and surrounding property.


West Nile virus is not to be taken lightly, and the best way to keep you and your family safe is to reduce the contact you have with mosquitos. SWAT Mosquito Systems®️provides a safe, affordable, and guaranteed way to keep mosquitoes at bay. Contact us today to set up an appointment, and visit the following CDC and WHO websites for more information on this potentially deadly virus.




Did You Know the Beer You Are Drinking Makes You Attractive to Mosquitoes?

Do you ever find yourself wondering why do mosquitos bite some people more than others, or what attracts mosquitoes in the first place?  Here at SWAT Mosquito Systems®️ we too are curious as to why do mosquitoes bite some people and not others but, more importantly, we are pioneering technology that will prevent mosquitos from biting any of us at all!  There has been a lot of research devoted to uncovering why do some people attract mosquitoes, and it turns out there are a lot of contributing factors.  Keep reading to learn how mosquitoes are attracted to blood type, the mosquito beer relationship, and other reasons these pests may be landing on you while leaving your friends alone!

Why do some people attract mosquitoes? Mosquitos are attracted to blood type!

According to a 2004 study trying to link blood type to mosquito bites, a person’s blood type does indeed have an impact on these pesky insects.  For the vast majority of humans, our blood type is expressed through a chemical on our skin – not so coincidentally where most mosquitos land when they are looking for blood.  This study found that those with Type O blood are twice as attractive to mosquitos than people with Type A, and Type B blood holders are somewhere in between.  Other genetic factors also play into why some of us seem more attractive to mosquitos than others.  Unfortunately we have no control over this and, because mosquitos are attracted to blood type, you may be more or less predisposed to perpetually swatting at these insects on warm summer nights.

What attracts mosquitoes?  Put down that mosquito beer magnet and keep reading!

Many of us love to spend nice evenings on the back porch sipping a refreshing beer or cocktail.  Unfortunately for us, mosquitos just may love that too.  The findings of a small study showed that participants who had recently drank as little as one beer were proving more attractive to mosquitos than the sober volunteers.  Scientists are still working on correlations for this but, for now, it looks like humans aren’t the only ones that follow the mantra “It’s 5 o’clock somewhere.”

Other answers to the question: Why do mosquitoes bite some people more than others?

While blood type and beer seem to be plausible answers for those wondering what attracts mosquitoes, there are many other contributing factors as well.  It has been shown that mosquitos can smell some of the compounds in sweat and are attracted to higher temperatures, making devoted exercisers a big target for mosquitos.  These insects can also smell carbon dioxide nearly 170 feet away, so those exhaling more often or with more volume will be quickly identified by mosquito radar.  Finally, mosquitos also have pretty strong vision for a small insect and, because of this, clothing is another answer to the eternal question of why do mosquitos bite some people and not others.  Dark colors make an individual stand out from the natural greens and earth tones of the surrounding area, and mosquitos will notice this and buzz toward the anomaly on the landscape.

From genetic factors to the drinks we drink and clothing we wear, mosquitos have plenty of ways to pick favorites as they buzz around potential victims.  This short post has hopefully helped answer your question of why do mosquitos bite some people and not others.  Our suggestion? Explore the options that SWAT Mosquito Systems®️ has to offer to deter these pesky insects from coming onto your property in the first place!
