Summer is a great time to gather around family and friends for outdoor fun, but nothing puts a damper on that fun more than no-see-ums and other biting insects. If there is one thing that mosquitoes and other biting insects like better than the summer heat, it’s the aftermath of rain. When the rainy season arrives, be ready to fight back against those annoying biting insects and other pests. Today, let’s review a few tips on how to protect your family this upcoming rainy season.

Avoid Mosquito Bites This Summer

Avoiding getting bitten by no-see-ums and other biting insects is never more difficult than during the rainy season. While the numbers of those biting insects multiply during the rainier months, the insects themselves are not that fond of the rain. What they do like are stagnant collections of standing water that are abundant after a big rainstorm. Standing water in your backyard and elsewhere is a breeding ground for these biting insects, making it difficult to avoid mosquito bites. Eliminating areas with standing water will control the population of no-see-ums and other biting insects. 

avoid mosquito bitesHow Do I Avoid Mosquito Bites?

If you are going to be outdoors in the late afternoon and evening hours when flying and biting insects are prevalent, cover up. Limiting your skin exposure to biting pests by wearing long sleeve clothes or long pants will reduce your risk of becoming the favorite target of the local biting insects. The next step in avoiding biting insects is the use of mosquito repellent. There are numerous insect repellent products available to choose from, in various shapes and sizes. Whether you prefer a spray or a rub-on cream, products containing diethyltoluamide (commonly known as DEET) are considered effective and are the most popular. Even some products intended for skincare provide protection against biting insects.

How to Avoid Bites from Mosquitoes

While insect repellent products are applied to your skin, bug killer products come in cans and plastic containers. These products are sprayed around the outdoor area prior to your outdoor activity, hopefully reducing the presence of biting insects and thereby reducing the risk of being bitten. There are many products on the market that claim they can accomplish this task, from sprays that come in cans and bottles to stronger fogger type products. All these products promise protection from no-see-ums and other biting insects, but some are more effective at keeping away bugs than others.

Mosquito Control Solutions

Perhaps the best option to consider for control of biting insects is a mosquito control system. Such a system, sometimes also referred to as a mosquito misting system, periodically sprays a fine mist of pesticide that will kill mosquitoes and other bug-like pests, including spiders, around your home. The system is set up in strategic areas around your yard. The systems are usually placed on timers and can be turned on and off by remote control. Pest control professionals and customers alike who have installed these systems agree that they provide excellent protection from no-see-ums and all types of other insects.

how to avoid bites from mosquitosMosquito Misting Services

If you would like to rid your outdoor activities of those annoying biting and flying insects, consider installing a mosquito control system of your own. SWAT Mosquito Systems®️ has a staff of certified professionals who can help you from start to finish with the planning and installation of your own mosquito misting service. We also provide systems for business owners looking to rid their restaurant patio, beachfront, or boardwalk café of those annoying biting and flying insects. Give SWAT Mosquito Systems®️ a call today at 1-866-900-SWAT and ask about our guarantee.


Nothing can be more annoying at a Fourth of July cookout than unwanted guests in the form of biting insects. Your Fourth of July pool party doesn’t have to turn into an annual bug fest. There are ways to avoid mosquito bites at your upcoming event. Today, let’s consider how you can begin the fight against those no-see-ums and other biting insects lurking in your yard.

Avoid Standing Water

avoid mosquito bitesThe fight against no-see-ums and other biting insects starts in your own backyard. Standing water is the breeding ground for these biting insects. Be sure to empty any sources of standing water, such as old flowerpots, at least once a week. This will help avoid mosquito bites. Another idea on how to reduce the number of biting insects that inhabit your backyard involves keeping the grass and shrubbery as low as possible. Less greenery means less area for those nasty insects to breed and hide. The use of an outdoor fan or fans will also create a breeze in the area, which will also deter biting insects from hanging out in the area.  

How Do I Avoid Mosquito Bites?

What comes next in avoiding mosquitos and other biting insects? A popular choice for many people is a simple mosquito repellent. The EPA has approved many options and there are numerous products available to choose from. These include those specifically designed for repelling insects, to skin care products that have the same effect. Due to fears related to Zika and the West Nile virus, these products are all very popular today. 

Some people do not like the idea of applying insect repellents directly on their skin. To reduce and protect against insect bites, some people consider spraying the area to be used for their Fourth of July event with bug repellent. Spraying the area before it’s party time will reduce the presence of insects and reduce the risk of being bitten. There are many products on the market that claim they can accomplish this task, from sprays that come in cans and bottles to stronger fogger type products. Some of these products promise protection from no-see-ums and other biting insects for up to 30 days.

how do I avoid mosquito bitesTrusting a Mosquito Misting System

Another option to consider is what’s known as a mosquito misting system. These systems are set up in strategic areas throughout your yard and put out a mist of insecticide intended to kill no-see-ums and other bugs, including flies and spiders. A homeowner who plans a last-minute outdoor gathering can turn on the system prior to the event from inside the home, avoiding going out among the pests to activate the system. Health agency experts are advocates of mosquito misting as the best way of controlling mosquito populations. Pest control professionals and customers alike agree that these systems provide excellent protection from mosquitoes and other insects.

How to Avoid Bites from Mosquitoes

If you’re wondering how to avoid bites from mosquitoes and other insects, consider installing a mosquito control system of your own. SWAT Mosquito Systems®️ has a staff of certified professionals who can help you from start to finish with the planning and installation of your own mosquito misting service. We also specialize in systems for business owners looking to rid their restaurant patio, beachfront, or boardwalk café of annoying mosquitoes. Don’t forget to ask about our mosquito control guarantee. Give SWAT Mosquito Systems®️ a call today at 1-866-900-SWAT.


Mosquitos are just an all-around nuisance. Not only do they cause millions of deaths every year, but they can quickly ruin an otherwise fun summer activity. From going to the beach to a barbeque with the entire family – these pesky insects are the worst. Thankfully, you have the team from SWAT to help you eliminate mosquitoes and no-see-ums once and for all. Learn how to remove mosquitoes and more below! 

Mosquito Control 101

Mosquito control starts with some simple, practical steps. To start fighting back against mosquitoes this summer, make sure to: 

Wear Light-Colored Clothes

There are a lot of theories about why dark clothes attract mosquitoes. Some are false, but the general scientific consensus is that biting insects are attracted to both bright and dark colors because they are easier to spot against the horizon. Regardless of the “why,” wearing light-colored clothes will help eliminate mosquitoes from your list of things to worry about. 

mosquito backyard controlGet Rid of Any Standing Water

This is more of a mosquito backyard control tip, but you’re going to want to dump out any standing water you have around your house. Standing water is a mosquito’s best friend. They use the water to breed. Make sure to take any cups inside and empty any containers in your yard! 

The Middle of the Day is Your Friend

You can practice mosquito control by avoiding the morning and twilight. Yes, twilight is prime time for having an outdoor family dinner, but it’s also prime time for you to become mosquito dinner. Mosquitos also dislike just about any amount of wind, so consider taking that beach or park trip when it’s a bit windy out. You’ll be sure to avoid no-see-ums and mosquitos. 

Don’t Wear Open-Toed Shoes

Florida is the land of the flipflop, and this is especially true during the humid summer months. Avoid open-toe shoes if you can, and you’ll also help eliminate mosquitos. These pesky flying insects are attracted to foot odor and sweat.  

Tips on How to Remove Mosquitos

Now that you know some easy ways to help fight mosquitoes during the summer, let’s look at how to remove mosquitoes once and for all. 

eliminate mosquitosClean Up Your Yard

Remember when we recommended dumping any standing water? This no-see-um and mosquito backyard control tip is based on the same principle. Your yard, particularly your backyard, has a lot of potential mosquito hotspots. Grills, sheds, bikes, and lawn ornaments can all collect water and serve as a home for biting insects. The same is true for gutters and downspouts. Clean up your yard, and you’ll see fewer mosquitos. 

Get Expertly Designed Mosquito Misting Systems

An effective mosquito misting system is a must if you really want to find out how to remove mosquitoes. While it probably sounds complicated, mosquito misting systems are actually simple. They’re custom-built misters that are placed around your house and yard. They use pyrethrum and rosemary sprays to keep your yard biting insect free and offer unparalleled mosquito backyard control.

 Every expertly designed SWAT Mosquito Misting System comes with complete quality assurance. We get the job done, and you can rest assured we do whatever it takes to keep your yard mosquito-free. Contact us today at (866) 900-SWAT for a free estimate!


Warmer weather means more time to enjoy outdoor activities around the home, such as cookouts and pool parties. Pool parties are usually great fun, but the enjoyment is often dampened by the arrival of unwanted guests. The most common unwanted guests to crash your summer gathering are mosquitos and no-see-ums. It seems like as soon as the sun begins to set on the horizon, mobs of these flying pests arrive on the scene. In recent years, some people have begun to fight back with the use of misting systems. But, how effective are they?  

how effective are mosquito misting systemsMosquito Systems

Let’s begin with the basics – what is a mosquito misting system? A  misting system sometimes referred to as a mosquito control system, is a system that sprays a fine mist that will kill mosquitoes and other insects around your home. These systems are installed throughout the area the homeowner wants to be protected from the pests (similar to how a homeowner determines the layout of a lawn sprinkler system). These systems originated years ago for use in livestock barns and horse stables to control flies, but the systems used today are intended only for outdoor residential use for the protection of yards and other outdoor areas around your home.

Setting up Mosquito Systems

Dangerous insect systems are set up in strategic areas throughout the yard and put out a mist of insecticide intended to kill the mosquitoes and other insects, including flies and spiders. The systems are usually placed on timers but can also be set up to be turned on and off by remote control. A homeowner who plans a last-minute outdoor gathering can turn on the system prior to the event from inside the home, avoiding going out among the pests to activate the system.  

How Effective are Mosquito Systems?

Now that you know the basics of a mosquito misting system, let’s answer the main question – how effective are misting systems? Health agency experts are advocates of misting products as the best way of controlling mosquito populations. Furthermore, pest control professionals and customers alike who have installed misting systems agree that these systems provide excellent protection from mosquitoes and other insects. Health experts also remind us that decreasing mosquito populations also reduces the transmission of dangerous Zika and West Nile viruses.

mosquito systems for control of backyard bugsSWAT Mosquito Control

If you would like to rid your outdoor activities of those annoying mosquitoes, no-see-ums, and other flying insects, you should definitely consider installing a no-see-um control system of your own. SWAT Mosquito Contol Systems has a staff of certified professionals who can help you from start to finish with the planning and installation of your own mosquito misting service. We also specialize in systems for business owners looking to rid their restaurant patio, beachfront or boardwalk café of those annoying mosquitoes. Also, don’t forget to ask about our mosquito control guarantee. Contact SWAT Mosquito Systems®️ today at 1-866-900-SWAT.