Everyone knows that mosquito season is just around the corner, but what can you do to prepare? It almost seems like no matter what you do, you’re doomed to be heckled by these pesky biting insects the moment they arrive, but there are a few things you can do to help prevent bites. Today, the experts at SWAT Mosquito Systems Jacksonville are here to show you how to prepare for this coming mosquito season so you can continue to enjoy your time outdoors.

The Goal of Mosquito Season Preparation

Other than the fear of being uncomfortably itchy after getting bitten, there’s a much larger threat to consider. Mosquito prevention is extremely important to your health because of the risk of contracting terrible mosquito-borne diseases and illnesses that could greatly affect your well-being. By taking the necessary steps in preparing for the upcoming mosquito season, you can decrease your chances of contracting:

  • The Zika Virus
  • The West Nile Virus
  • Dengue
  • Chikungunya
  • And more

Learn more > What Diseases Do Mosquitoes In Florida Carry?

1. Remove All Stagnant Water Sources

Some people underestimate the effectiveness of removing standing water sources, but it’s a mosquito’s main method for breeding and reproducing. One inch of water is all they need to lay their eggs so they can hatch in time for mosquito season. Even so much as a bottle cap can supply enough water for them to thrive, and that’s especially bad news for places like Florida where rainfall is frequent. Every so often, take a moment to shake or turn over anything in your yard where water can pool up like lids, tarps, kiddie pools, tires, and so on. Spraying your trees and shrubs with the garden hose can also help since leaves can hold water.

2. Grow Plants That Mosquitoes Hate

One way to deter mosquitoes while growing a beautiful garden is to plant flowers and herbs that mosquitoes can’t exist around comfortably. Some plants like rosemary, lavender, basil, and marigolds give off a scent that is too strong for certain insects which prevents them from sticking around for too long. If you get started on planting now, they can grow large enough in time for spring!

3. Keep Up With Your Yard Work

Mosquitoes are very resilient and will use any space they can to grow their eggs. This includes your grass! Many insects are capable of using tall grass to hide and survive, but the simple act of mowing your lawn can turn an otherwise likable home into a dangerous battleground. And by keeping your yard nice and clean, there will be less mess for bugs to take refuge in.

4. Install A Mosquito Misting System

Perhaps the most efficient way to prepare for mosquito season which requires minimal effort is to have a mosquito misting system installed. With today’s technology, these misting systems can be programmed to go off automatically during optimal times of the day as a way to upkeep mosquito control without you having to put in any work yourself. Some solutions include natural ingredients from the same plants mentioned earlier so you don’t actually have to plant them in your yard if you don’t want to. The mist stays strong in moist environments and it’s lightweight so it lingers in the air where it can directly target flying mosquitoes.

Learn more > Misting Products

Expert Mosquito Misting Installation In Jacksonville

Mosquito misting systems work around the clock to keep mosquitoes out of your yard. After getting it installed, you’ll be all set for the next mosquito season! For expert installation, call the professionals at SWAT Mosquito Systems Jacksonville today at (954) 437-1815 for a free quote.

Nothing is worse than wanting a more permanent solution to your mosquito problem only to come up short with every type of product that you buy. Thankfully, mosquito misting systems will be the last bug control solution you will ever have to invest in. The professionals at SWAT Mosquito Systems Fort Myers and Naples are here to show you how long mosquito misting lasts and why it’s the better option over do-it-yourself sprays.

After the Initial Installation

Many people feel pressured into buying store-bought bug sprays because they need a fast solution to their backyard pests. What they may not know about permanent misting systems is that they can work just as quickly. After the first spray, you may already notice fewer mosquitoes in your yard. In any case, you’re guaranteed to see a larger difference after just one or two weeks. The trick to achieving these results is regular frequency with the help of an automated system.

Learn more > Professional vs DIY Mosquito Control

Consistent Spraying With Automated Systems

One of the main reasons why mosquito misting works is because many of them can be programmed to go off automatically at certain times of the day. Consistency with spraying is key, and automated misting systems guarantee a regular schedule without you needing to be on top of it yourself. SWAT mosquito systems can be remotely controlled and monitored, at your convenience, by using our mobile app on your Android or iOS device.

After choosing to have a mosquito control system, our engineers will design a customized plan of action to fit your property. An effective misting system will activate around 2-3 times a day, typically around daybreak and late evening when mosquitoes are the most active. As for how long the system itself will last, that’s entirely up to you!

Learn more > How It Works

Low Maintenance, Lasting Results

Before investing in a mosquito misting system, some people ask how long they’ll be seeing the effects. The answer lies in how long you’re willing to keep your system. With such a low-maintenance product, your main cost after installation will be for tank refills. A full tank can last either a couple of months or a few depending on the size of your customized system. So as long as you’re willing to get it refilled, your misting system will continue to garner results.

Better Than Your Store-Bought Products

For a quick comparison regarding duration and effectiveness, store-bought products only have a chance of giving you the results you want and for a shorter time frame thus having you pay for more frequent replacements. Mosquito misting systems bring consistent and noticeable results with a single full tank possibly lasting you months before needing a refill. And while store-bought products could have you getting your hands dirty, an automated misting system will do everything for you! You can easily go about your regular day without needing to think about your mosquito problem. When you consider all of the facts, mosquito misting is clearly the more viable option.

Where to Get Effective Misting Systems In Florida

The best way to guarantee positive results in your backyard is to get your mosquito misting system from SWAT Mosquito System Fort Myers and Naples. We take the time to carefully evaluate your home and design a custom system for the most optimal solution. Call (954) 437-1815 today to get started on a free estimate!

Mosquito misting involves a rather simple system consisting of a tank, pumps, and nozzles. Because of the straightforward layout, they’re easy to maintain and repair as needed. While these systems work well on their own, there are ways to properly care for them to help them last longer and more efficiently. Today, the experts at SWAT Mosquito Systems West Palm Beach are here to inform you of useful tips for maintaining a mosquito misting system!

1. Have A Professional Check It Regularly

One of the best ways to proactively look out for your mosquito misting system is to have it regularly inspected and cleaned by professionals roughly every few months. They’ll be able to find any issues with the system and make the necessary repairs to ensure smooth sailing. Cleaning your system is especially important since going one to two years without cleaning can clog up the parts which lead to breaking or brittle pieces.

Learn more > What’s the Best Way to Maintain a Mosquito Misting System?

2. Keep An Eye on The Tank Status

Confirming the status of your tank is essential since leakage can cause you to lose out on your precious solution without you even knowing and cost you a refill sooner than later. Thankfully, an app-operated system will notify you if it senses a leak. A high-tech system is even capable of providing your mosquito control company the means to monitor your tank remotely so that they can respond with urgency.

3. Make Sure the Controller Works

Even if you have an automated system and hardly use your controller, testing out your controller every now and then is one way to tell if your system is working in general. Whether you use a traditional remote or a compatible smartphone app, try a command to see if your misting system will respond. If your system doesn’t seem to be receiving the signals, there could be a problem with either your controller or the system in general.

4. Know Your Misting System

Understanding your system, such as knowing where your lines and nozzles are, can help you do your own little inspections if you feel like something is off. Some problems can be seen at surface-level visibility which can help you relay important details to qualifying professionals. If you still notice that something isn’t working right but you can’t see anything at first glance, you can always contact your local mosquito experts.

Learn more > Three Components of An Effective Misting System

Your Mosquito Experts in West Palm Beach!

Whether you need a new mosquito misting system installed or you’re seeking maintenance or repairs for your existing one, contact the experts at SWAT Mosquito Systems West Palm Beach! Our automated misting systems are compatible with a smartphone app that lets you control and monitor aspects of your system right in the palm of your hand. If you run into any problems, we’ll gladly come by and check it out!

Call us today at (954) 437-1815 to schedule a service or receive a free estimate for your initial installation. We’ll do everything we can to help you reclaim your yard in the best way possible!

What US state has the most and worst mosquitoes? Out of all 50 states in America, Florida has been ranked as the absolute worst place for mosquitoes. This is an announcement that many residents of the Sunshine State aren’t too proud of, but how did this happen? The experts at SWAT Mosquito Systems Miami and Fort Lauderdale are here to teach you why mosquitoes are so popular in Florida, the threats they bring, and what you can do to protect yourself.

Why Mosquitoes Love Florida

When you think about it, it’s no mystery why mosquitoes are so drawn to Florida. For starters, mosquitoes need water to breed and survive. Florida is right along the coastline, and the frequent storms and hurricanes leave behind many sources of standing water. Mosquitoes are also very attracted to body heat and carbon dioxide. Because the state is so heavily populated with both people and animals, these pesky biting insects can easily find their blood meal at every turn. Lastly, they thrive in humid yet dark atmospheres and our beloved state always provides all these factors in mind, it’s almost as though our climate was practically made for mosquitoes. Nevertheless, these abundant bugs are a major problem in our society.

Florida Cities With the Most Mosquitoes
● Miami

● Tampa

● Orlando

● West Palm Beach

● Jacksonville

The Dangers of Mosquito Swarms

It can be annoying dealing with mosquitoes constantly trying to get a piece of you, but in Florida, getting a little itchy becomes the least of your troubles. While people in most other states deal with normal symptoms after getting bitten, Florida is a special case. Because of our location, mosquitoes have the capacity to spread many diseases, some of which are deadly. If you’re not careful in protecting yourself from mosquito bites, you could experience:

  • The Zika Virus
  • West Nile Virus
  • Encephalitis
  • Chikungunya Virus
  • Dengue

You may have heard a couple of these names before, but in case you don’t know, many of these diseases have the potential to keep you bedridden for days, if not weeks. It is even possible for a mosquito-borne disease to spread to your child during pregnancy, leading to certain deformities. This can be very alarming, but there are actions you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones.

How Florida Residents Can Fend Off Mosquitoes

If there’s no getting away from mosquitoes in Florida, how do you protect yourself and prevent contracting a terrible disease? There are many tips for preventing mosquito-borne illnesses, but one of the easiest and most effective methods requires installing a mosquito misting system. This form of mosquito control works fast in killing off adults, larvae, and eggs to stop the breeding cycle for a mosquito-free environment. Best of all, the installation is discrete, and the solution is relatively safe for human and pet exposure.

The Best Mosquito Control In Florida!

Existing in Florida doesn’t have to be difficult. Don’t let the abundance of mosquitoes disturb your way of living, contact the professionals at SWAT Mosquito Systems Miami and Fort Lauderdale for an easy and low-maintenance solution for keeping mosquitoes off your property! Call (954) 437-1815 for more information and a free quote.