The Annoying Mosquito Buzzing Sounds Have Got to Stop

A mosquito buzzing in your ear on a warm summer night may be the most irritating sound on earth. Summer just wouldn’t be summer without the buzz and tickle of a mosquito in the evening for most Floridians. However, does that have to be the case?

What causes mosquitoes to buzz in your ear?

Does it seem like mosquitoes like to buzz around your ears? Basically, they’re attracted to heat and carbon dioxide, both of which we are constantly exhaling. Every time you exhale, you release a plume of carbon dioxide that potential mosquitoes can smell out and follow. Mosquitoes have sensors around their mouths that allow them to detect carbon dioxide, and this allows them to find you from a distance of up to 50 meters.

It makes sense that some people tend to get targeted more since they naturally produce more carbon dioxide. Those who are larger or heavier exhale more gases, which makes them more likely to be on a mosquito’s radar. Additionally, if you’ve been running and are feeling a little short of breath, you might be surprised at all the mosquitoes trying to keep up with you. 

Pregnant women also face greater risks. A study found that pregnant women exhale approximately 20% more carbon dioxide than non-pregnant women, so pregnant women should take extra precautions outside. 

Do Mosquitoes Actually Make a Buzzing Sound or What is the Reason for That Noise?

Is it because they’re bloodthirsty sadists who ruin our summers and keep us awake all night long? I wouldn’t say that. It turns out that the mosquito buzzing noise you hear is caused by the flapping motion of the mosquito’s wings, which can actually beat up to 1,000 times per second. Their buzzing sound is believed to change pitch as they increase or decrease the frequency of their flapping, especially when they pursue a mate.

A mosquito’s legendary whine is created by both male and female mosquitoes, though females produce a higher-pitched chirp. It’s possible to hear a male mosquito buzz, but most humans never hear one because they feed off of nectar and plants and leave us alone. 

You can #StayOutside all season long with a SWAT Mosquito System if mosquitoes are buzzing in your ears and driving you crazy! The licensed and trained technicians on our team will teach you how to use the system. It will be set to go off three times a day when mosquitos are at their peak time to be out. You even have a remote to do additional sprays as needed to keep you and your family mosquito-free.

Mosquitoes are a pain, not only do they bite humans they also bite our pets. In Florida, the breeding ground for mosquitoes is high due to our warm humid weather. So how do you protect yourself and your pets from these pests?

Why should you protect your Pet from Mosquitoes? 

Well, mosquitoes can harm pets too. Not only can they leave irritation marks but they can also lead to numerous diseases, such as heartworm. The irritation marks can lead to your pet scratching and destroying their skin or even leading to infection. Unlike humans, they don’t understand the concept of ‘Don’t scratch!’ Some even have an allergic reaction to the bites or contract diseases that mosquitoes carry from one thing to another. This is why mosquito protection for pets is crucial.

How do I Keep Mosquitoes Away from my Pets

  1. Dog Friendly Repellent:

    Talk to your vet about a friendly mosquito repellent for your pet. There’s a monthly spot treatment and also a temporary spray type as well. Figure out which works best for you and your pet. 

  2. Make your Backyard Mosquito Free:

    Make sure your backyard is mosquito free and what better way than with a SWAT Mosquito system? The system emits a mist that kills mosquitoes in its tracks and it’s pet friendly. 

  3. Make sure your pet is taking Heartworm prevention meds:

    In case they do get bit even with the mosquito repellent tactics. Heartworm meds are the best way to protect your pet from contracting the disease. 

  4. Get rid of all standing water:

    As we explained in out previous post, it is always a good idea to remove any areas in which mosquitoes can breed. 

  5. Mosquito Repellent Plants:

    We have spoken about some plants you can try to repel mosquitoes away. Check out this post for more information

So how do I ensure My Pet is Safe from Mosquitoes

The best way to ensure your pet is safe is to ensure your home is mosquito-free. You can try some of these mosquito protection tactics for pets such as having certain plants in your backyard, but the best way is to install a SWAT Mosquito system.


 Making your home a mosquito-free environment 

We all hate getting mosquito bites while outside in our backyard, but there is something slightly worse, getting eaten alive in your living room. Here in Florida the humidity and overall tropical climate attracts these pests year round. So it is very important to ensure that when you are coming in from outside the mosquitos aren’t following you inside. 

The Battleground

In order to fight mosquitos you gotta start at the place where they are most likely coming from, outside. If you reduce the population outside they are less likely to be able to come into your home. This means removing the current population, larvae, and making the environment itself inhospitable for them. Therefore you should consider a SWAT mosquito system. It goes off at sunrise and sunset when mosquito populations are most prominent. The system also gives you a remote so you can control when it goes off as well. 

Beyond having the system, here are just some good tips to help limit the population on your own. If there is any standing water around your home it is a good idea to get rid of it. Mosquitos breed around areas like that, therefore removing it gives less of a chance of them multiplying around there. Clean your gutters, keep your grass low cut, and remove any items that could be a good place for them to congregate. It is also a good idea to partner up with your neighbors. This way you can ensure your shared space between your homes are clear enough that mosquitos will not want to come there. 

mosquito controlAnother option to consider is treating the area with a mosquito elimination barrier treatment. Although if you install a SWAT mosquito system there is no need for that and it is a biodegradable/ more environmentally friendly product. With this system you wouldn’t have to worry about your pets being out in the yard and possibly ingesting harmful chemicals. 

Your Home Entry

If you want to ensure mosquitos can’t enter your home, make it difficult for them. If you have a screened in patio ensure there are no rips or breakages in the material. You can also add weather strips to your doors to seal off any possible entryways for the pest.

Make Mosquitos Know They are Uninvited

Certain smells can be bad to mosquitos and if you have an oil diffuser utilize it. Essential oils like peppermint, lavender, and eucalyptus, just to name a few, may help keep them out. If you prefer a more permanent fix to your mosquito problem, consider a SWAT mosquito system! As our slogan says we move in and they move out, so call now to get started on creating a mosquito free home. 

Plants you need in your backyard

Mosquitos have always been an annoying species to deal with since the beginning of time. They have been around since the dinosaurs and like any creature they have their strengths and weaknesses. Some plants act as a repellent due to the pesky creatures’ dislikes. Here are some of those plants you can try planting in your backyard to limit the amount of mosquitos present. 

Before you Plant 

These plants are all beautiful, fragrant, and help get rid of some mosquitos. Yet none of these methods will fully rid them of mosquitos. Also it is important to note if you do have pets that some of the plants may be poisonous to them. Your climate also does play a part in determining their effectiveness. So take all of these points into consideration when planting these in your backyard.  

repel mosquitosLavender 

This plant is very fragrant, a lot of humans tend to like the scent but for pests it may be too strong. Due to its high linalool content this plant acts as a great repellent mostly in the essential oil form but planting them can also help. 

Lemon Balm 

Lemon Balm has high levels of citronella in it, which as most people have found mosquitos find it extremely unpleasant. You can always buy citronella candles and bracelets but this is a natural form of it. 


This becomes a great repellent once set a blaze so light some up on the barbecue and watch the number of mosquitos fall. Set this in various areas in your garden and you are all set especially in warmer climates, such as Florida. 


This plant has a very distinct smell that deters mosquitos and other bugs. Whether you plant these in the ground or in a container they still have lasting effects. 


This is also referred to as the mosquito plant because it is where citronella comes from. This plant has a citrus like scent and comes in numerous different varieties. It is best to check with your local nursery which species is most effective for your area. 

The Best Way to Ensure your Backyard is Mosquito Free

Although these methods deter mosquitos they will surely not completely get rid of them. The best way to get rid of mosquitos in your backyard is with a SWAT mosquito misting system. Our team of experts help you every step of the way and ensure that your backyard is mosquito free! So if that’s what you are looking for, call SWAT today!