It’s common knowledge that a mosquito’s ideal breeding ground consists of standing water, but you may not realize how many of these sources exist in your backyard even as you’re reading this right now. And with every instance of rainfall, more standing water sources are created. The professionals at SWAT Mosquito Systems West Palm Beach will teach you places where mosquitoes like to breed and what you can do to control the situation.

Learn more > 4 Tips For Preparing For Florida’s Mosquito Season In 2023

1. Permanent Water Fixtures

The first place you might think of when it comes to stagnant water involves permanent water fixtures like pools, fountains, and bird baths. Since their main purposes revolve around water, this is an obvious conclusion to many. However, what can you do about these vessels that are meant to hold water, especially if it rains? If you’re not using these fixtures, it’s better to drain them completely and continue to drain them regularly after it rains. Alternatively, you can place a cover or tarp over the opening but be aware that tarps can also collect water on top. This can be easily remedied by spraying it down with a garden hose.

2. Outdoor Recreational Items

Many people love playing and relaxing outside which leads to the purchase of many recreational items and backyard toys. Such items include:

  • Barbecue grills
  • Fire pits
  • Patio furniture
  • Hammocks
  • Flower pots
  • Wheelbarrows
  • Play sets
  • Large plastic toys (like pretend vehicles)

For items that can be easily carried, it would be best to bring them inside or store them away in the shed in anticipation of rainy weather. Larger items can be covered up or sprayed down with a hose after it rains. Lightweight plastic items can simply be tipped over a couple of times to effectively dump any water that may be present.

3. Recyclable Items and Disposable Clutter

Sometimes we tend to lose track of clutter in the yard, especially after hosting many outdoor parties or gatherings. Either before or after a rainy spell, it’s worth it to spend a few minutes looking around for anything that could be considered recyclable, trash, or garbage. Even the smallest piece of trash can store enough water for mosquitoes to breed successfully, so don’t leave anything to chance!

4. Natural Yard Elements

Paying mind to the items scattered around your yard is essential in cutting down on available breeding spots, but natural greenery can collect water, too. Trees can hold water in their leaves, or any holes that can be found in the bark. Even tree stumps can hold water on top in the various holes and crevices. Separate logs work in the same way. Again, spraying down your trees and shrubs can do a lot to disturb these would-be breeding sites. Mowing your lawn can also do wonders since tall grass can also act as a suitable place for mosquitoes.

5. Pipes and Gutter Systems

When searching for potential mosquito breeding areas, don’t forget to look up! This task may prove a little more difficult, but checking your gutters and pipes can help prevent your backyard mosquito population from getting worse. You need to be thorough when removing standing water in your yard because mosquitoes can easily find any small source that you may have overlooked. If you want to create a hazardous environment for mosquitoes in the easiest way possible that’s of no harm to you, mosquito misting is your best bet.

Learn more > Will Rain Wash Away My Mosquito Treatment?

Mosquito Misting: An Easier Solution

Call SWAT Mosquito Systems West Palm Beach today at (954) 437-1815 to ask about our automated misting systems! Our custom misting solutions work automatically around the clock so you can fight back against mosquitoes with little effort. We’ll even provide you with a remote for you to control your misting network whenever you want!

Owning a pool comes with many responsibilities, including the burden of pest control. This is because you’re providing an excellent source of water to all of the wildlife in the area, and that includes mosquitoes. Those who value their miniature oasis won’t want to give it up for the sake of having a bug-free outdoor space. Luckily, you don’t have to. SWAT Mosquito System Tampa is here to teach you why mosquitoes like to breed in your pool and what you can do about it.

Why Mosquitoes Can’t Get Enough Of Your Pool

The mosquito breeding cycle begins with the adult female getting its blood meal before laying its eggs. However, it requires the perfect environment for these eggs to hatch and grow successfully. This is where water comes in. Practically any amount of water is enough to get the job done, but stagnant water is the most ideal for continuing the cycle undisturbed. Where can mosquitoes find such a water source? Under the right circumstances, your pool is like an endless ocean of potential to your local mosquitoes.

Ways To Keep Mosquitoes Away From Your Pool

Florida mosquitoes will gladly choose your pool as an adequate breeding ground, but that’s only if you let them. It’ll take a bit of dedication and upkeep to avoid having your backyard pool used for unintended purposes.

Learn more > How Do I Get Rid Of Mosquitoes In My Yard Permanently?

Remove the Water

If you don’t plan on using your pool for a long time, the best thing you can do is drain it completely. When you drain it, you’ll want to make sure that there isn’t anything left over since all they need is about an inch deep of water. It’s also a good idea to put a tarp over it in anticipation of rainfall (especially after hurricanes), and then check the top of the tarp for puddles afterward. Just keep in mind that tarps are only effective when it’s completely sealed since mosquitoes can easily slip through any cracks.

Learn more > How Hurricane Season Impacts the Mosquito Population

Make the Water Inhabitable

If your pool is still in use, you can still ward off mosquitoes by making the water conditions less attractive. Mosquitoes like still water, so staying active by swimming frequently can be enough to disturb them. You can also use a net to scrape along the top of the water and mix it up a little. Maintaining your chlorine levels could, in turn, make the water unusable.

Install a Misting System

Keeping up with all of these tasks can be too much to handle, especially for those who are too busy to make the time. For the easiest way of keeping mosquitoes away from your pool, set up misting systems around your pool area to fend off mosquitoes without needing to lift so much as a finger! The solution is too strong for bugs to want to settle down anywhere near the mist.

Learn more > Mosquito Misting Systems: What Is It?

Getting A Mosquito Misting System In Tampa

SWAT Mosquito Systems Tampa offers automated misting systems that are programmed to go off during prime mosquito time, or you can use the remote whenever you need fast relief. Our products are also effective against eggs, larvae, and pupa so they don’t have a chance to develop into fully-grown mosquitoes. Call (954) 437-1815 today and our professionals will set up your custom system around your backyard pool so you can fully enjoy your space!

When it comes to mosquito control, you typically only think of the adult mosquitoes that are currently pestering us around our faces. However, eggs and larvae also pose a threat since they will soon turn into flying insects that prove to be more annoying, and the cycle continues. Getting rid of the source before they have a chance to reproduce or hatch. Today, the professionals at SWAT Mosquito Systems Miami and Fort Lauderdale will teach you how to quickly kill mosquito larvae in standing water.

The Importance Of Eliminating Mosquito Larvae

The reason flying mosquitoes are persistent in attacking us is that they only have one goal, and that’s to reproduce. They’re naturally programmed to retrieve a blood meal and lay eggs. Those eggs will hatch and repeat the cycle. Their lives are simple, but it brings us so much inconvenience and discomfort. Aside from ruining a perfectly good outdoor party, mosquito bites can also introduce diseases into your body. Stopping the never-ending cycle by removing standing water to kill mosquito larvae is the most effective way to stop breeding in its tracks.

Learn more > Understanding a Mosquito’s Life Cycle

Removing Stagnant Water From Your Yard

Still water can be found anywhere if you look hard enough, and mosquitoes only need a tiny amount to lay their eggs and produce larvae. You’d be surprised at how many sources of stagnant water may be present in your yard, but getting rid of them is easy as long as you know where to look:

  • Garbage and any other clutter that’s not being used should be thrown away or stored indoors. This includes tarps, tires, and so on.
  • Trees, bushes, shrubs, and other plants can be quickly hosed off since water can pool up in the leaves.
  • Mow the lawn since tall grass can retain water.

Keeping up with this routine at least once a week is a great way to ensure that mosquito eggs and larvae aren’t given enough time to progress onto the next life stage. However, this may be a tall task for the busy individual. This is why we also highly recommend mosquito misting products that target eggs and larvae on top of adult mosquitoes and other insects.

Learn more > Five Spring Cleaning Hacks

Fight Mosquitoes At Any Life Stage With Misting Products

Misting products linger in the air to target flying bugs, but they’re able to kill eggs and larvae as well. This ensures immediate relief from mosquitoes in general as it will stop the breeding cycle and offer a continuous barrier from any more bugs looking for a new home. While it’s still a good idea to remove standing water when you have the time, misting systems work automatically to protect you when you’re too busy to deal with bug-related tasks yourself.

Call The Professionals At SWAT Mosquito Systems!

For the best misting solution near you, call SWAT Mosquito Systems Miami and Fort Lauderdale today at (954) 437-1815 to learn more about our products and to receive a free quote! We’ll put in the time to carefully inspect your home and install your custom misting system in a way that will be most effective for guaranteed results.

Florida residents have to shoulder the burden of worrying about every mosquito bite they come across on their bodies because bugs in the sunshine state are known to carry a multitude of diseases. Since these pests are so small, it can be difficult to stay proactive when you’re just trying to live your life. However, knowing the signs and the best methods to ward them off can bealuable information. That’s why the professionals at SWAT Mosquito Systems Orlando will teach you how to protect your family against mosquito-borne illnesses!

The Gravity of Mosquito-Borne Illnesses

In nearly any other state, getting bitten by a mosquito just calls for some ointment before the irritation subsides in minutes. In Florida, a mosquito bite can have you bedridden for days and even push you closer to death’s door. No age group is resistant to the symptoms as they can significantly affect children, the elderly, and everyone. Some of the more worrisome (and sometimes common) diseases include:

  • The West Nile Virus. This disease has a known presence nationwide but is most prominent in Florida. West Nile can induce symptoms similar to a fever but can evolve into dizziness and impacted eyesight.
  • The Zika Virus. Zika also brings about fever-like reactions along with muscle pains. This is one of those diseases that can affect an unborn child by developing lifelong disabilities.
  • This disease comes in many forms, although most of them are rare. But even though there’s a small likelihood of contracting this illness, the result can be rather deadly, so it’s still a good idea to play it safe.

Learn more > What Diseases Do Mosquitoes In Florida Carry?

When to Get Checked By A Doctor

Since many of these diseases can be deadly if left untreated, it’s best not to hold off on being seen by a medical professional if you suspect you might have caught something. What could start off seeming like a common cold can quickly evolve into something much worse. Some diseases don’t even show symptoms for the first few days, so it’s especially hard to tell. Once you get bitten by a mosquito, it’s better to be safe than sorry by getting it checked out by a doctor.

Ways to Shield Your Family From Mosquitoes

For those times when you and your family are going out to explore the area, whether for errands, daily commutes, or simply enjoying the scenery, you are likely to become a target for local insects. You can cover yourself up with long-sleeved shirts and pants that go to your ankles. You might even see some people walking around with mosquito wristbands that give off a faint scent. But for around-the-home protection, mosquito misting is among one of the most proven methods.

An Effective At-Home Method

Other than being conscious about closing the windows and doors when you’re not using them, automated mosquito misting systems are also a great way to put a barrier around your home while also killing what’s already living on the premises. The solution is also safe for the family (including pets) since it contains natural ingredients. Because it works on an automated system, you can continue to spend quality time with your family while protecting them at the same time!

Learn more > NMCAW: How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes and Protect Your Family In Florida

Protect Your Family By Calling SWAT Mosquito Systems Today!

By contacting SWAT Mosquito Systems Orlando today at (954) 437-1815, we can get started on planning your customized misting system that is guaranteed to offer more home protection for your family against mosquitoes! Our automated systems work around the clock to kill existing mosquitoes while keeping outsiders at bay with a natural solution.